What's in the Book

Computer Programming is Fun!

You can use the syllabus outline to select the lessons you want from one of three learning tracks:

Computer Programming is Fun!

Syllabus Outline

This syllabus outline shows which lessons in the book are used by each learning track.

Lesson number Lesson title Concepts Data Processing Track Turtle Graphics Track Video Game Track
1 Using IDLE Python Shell, Editor, running Python commands, saving and loading program files X X X
2 Names for Words and Numbers Variables, number and string data types X X X
3 Are they the Same? Comparing strings and numbers with “==”, the “if” statement X X X
4 Who Goes There User input, understanding and modifying an existing program X X X
5 Working with Numbers Arithmetic operators, numeric expressions, converting strings to numbers X X X
6 Turtle Graphics Draw pictures with turtle graphics, reinforce numeric concepts
7 Making a List, Checking it Twice List and tuple data structures, looping commands X X X
8 Looping with Turtles Reinforce looping commands with turtle graphics
9 Keeping Track of Data Dictionary data structure X

10 Text Files Files and directories, reading and simple processing of line-oriented text files X

11 Data Files in CSV Format Reading and writing data files in CSV format (compatible with Microsoft Office) X

12 Functions Organizing a program into functions X X X
13 Functions with Turtles Reinforce functions with turtle graphics
14 Modules Organizing a program into modules X
15 Graphics 2-D computer graphics, use of the cpif software to create still graphics,

16 Classes Creating your own object types X
17 Exceptions Using and extending exceptions for error handling (based on classes) X

18 Animation Animation, application of custom object types (classes)

19 Sound Computer sound, use of the cpif software to create sounds

20 Music Use of the cpif software to play musical notes, mix sounds